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Traveling woman alone

Travel Brings Happiness And Confidence Which Is Attractive

In a world where beauty seems to be placed at a premium, there is one thing that can make you more attractive and that is travel. Ira Riklis explores the reasons why travel makes you more attractive.

Your Attractive Side Comes Out When You TravelTraveling woman alone

When you travel, you will have a glow and attraction that draws the dreamers to you like a magnet. Have you ever been to a party where the center of the room shines with someone who has many exciting stories to share from all over the world? People will be drawn to you if you are more relaxed, emotionally balanced and full of life. So, what is it about travel that makes you more attractive?

Confidence From Travel Attracts Attention

When you have the ability to travel abroad, you gain confidence that you might not otherwise gain in an office setting. Free from all that is familiar, travel, especially alone, makes you depend on only one person, you. You are in charge of your destination; there is something about this that boosts confidence and self-esteem. Self-esteem leads to a more positive disposition bringing with it strength and self-awareness. With more confidence, you retain a welcoming smile and happiness that attracts all those around you.

A Happy Traveler Is A Joy To Be Around

According to WebMD, happiness is good for the heart; it protects the heart. Furthermore, according to NBC News, most people tend to be happier when they’re traveling and don’t have to worry about work, of course. However, an interesting finding from a Cornell University study is that people also experience a direct increase in happiness from just planning a trip. It’s true that happiness, brings with it strength, confidence, and wisdom, some of the most attractive traits a person can have.

Travel Brings Wisdom And Creativity To A Dull Life

When you spend day after day in the same old routine your attitude, life, and perspective start to stagnate, like a puddle of water in the middle of a road. Travel is relaxing and invigorating, bringing the heart and soul back to life. When you are traveling, you can put away the daily grind and open up and flow like the strong, forceful waterfalls or high rapid currents that you will experience on your travels.

Travel makes you more attractive because it opens up the imagination and brings to life stories through experience, not just books or what you see on the internet or in the movies. We are a society built and taught by stories. And when you have a story of your safari in Africa or running with the bulls, you can bring animation to what others can only dream.

Travel can bring wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, a quote by Charles Spurgeon says “Wisdom is the right use of knowledge”. The many wonders that you encounter on your travels will not only open your eyes to the world but it will open the door to you giving you a better understanding of your own unique existence in life and to respect the uniqueness of others.

Travel Opens Your Heart To Love More FearlesslyKayak woman

The Huffington post stated that one of the sexiest things about a person is their ability to love fiercely. Traveling opens and expands a person’s heart, it makes them fall in love with cultures, places, experiences, and life. Traveling can also bring about love and appreciation for your own life and country.

Travel abroad does make you more attractive because as US News explains “simply taking a hiatus from your demanding workday schedule isn’t enough. Traveling somewhere new can enable you to immerse yourself in new surroundings, boost your brain power and fully recharge”. The recharge you get from travel can open doors to better business opportunities, better health, stronger relationships, and a fun time with friends old and new listening on as you share all of your adventures.